Manual Reference Source Test


How Netflux chooses between RTCDataChannel and WebSocket

Netflux operates with RTCDataChannel (WebRTC) and WebSocket connection technologies.

Technically RTCDataChannel may be established between:

On the other hand, a WebSocket may be created only between:

But in practice:

This technical diversity pushes us to try all possibilities in order to create a connection between two peers based on their capabilities.

Between two peers, there is always one who initiates the connection, while the other is in a passive state. Lets say peer _A_ wants to connect to peer _B_ (i.e. _A_ is the initiator).

The following algorithm is the same for _A_ and _B_ and is executed each time a message is received. It runs through all possiblities in order to establish a connection between these peers (i.e. return SUCCESS if the connection succeed and return FAILED otherwise). It is important that the initiator peer (i.e. A) must be notified about the algorithm's result, while for the second peer (who is in the passive state) this information has no importance.

message variable below persistes the state of the actions for both peers. It is updated by both and is exchanged between them.

// Pseudocode:
// I received a `message` from another peer

if anotherPeerIsListeningOnWebSocketAndIHaveNotTriedToConnectYet(message)
  if WebSocket connection succeed
    return SUCCESS

if iAmListeningOnWebSocketAndAnotherPeerHasNotTriedToConnectYet(message)

if bothPeersSupportRTCDataChannel(message)
  if iHaveNotTriedToConnectYet(message)
    if RTCDataChannel connection succeed
      return SUCCESS
  if anotherPeerHasNotTriedToConnectYet(message)

if iAmTheInitiator(message)
  return FAILED

State description

This section describes what trigger the WebChannel (i.e. WebGroup) state to change.

Possible values for WebChannel, Signaling and Topology states are:

WebChannel description
JOINING You are about to join the group.
JOINED You have successfully joined the group.
LEFT You have successfully left the group or couldn't join. This is also the initial value (i.e. after new WebChannel() and before calling join()).
Signaling state description
CONNECTING The connection with Signaling server is not yet open (equivalent to WebSocket.CONNECTING).
OPEN The connection with Signaling server is open (equivalent to WebSocket.OPEN).
CHECKING Signaling server is about to vefiry that you are connected to at least one group member. If so, then the state becomes CHECKED and nothing to do, otherwise it prompt you to connect to the group member. After that the state becomes CHECKED and the TopologyService should rejoin the group.
CHECKED You are connected to at least one group member or you are the only group member.
CLOSED The connection with Signaling server is closed or couldn't be opened (equivalent to WebSocket.CLOSED).
Topology state description
CONSTRUCTING Thanks to the Signaling server you are connected to one of the group member. From now the topology service is about to create the rest of connections, if necessary, in order to keep the topology structure and assure messages delivery.
CONSTRUCTED The topology is considerated as constructed.
IDLE All connections with group members were closed or topology failed to construct the peer to peer network.


Member left event

Singaling Topology adjacent member not only you left in the group Result
CHECKED CONSTRUCTED true true $signalingCheck

Signaling state event

Singaling Topology connected rejoinEnabled Result
CLOSED IDLE true $rejoin
CLOSED IDLE false $leave
CLOSED CONSTRUCTED true $connectToSignaling
OPEN !CONSTRUCTING $signalingCheck

Topology state event

Topology Singaling rejoinEnabled Result
CONSTRUCTED OPEN $signalingCheck
CONSTRUCTED CHECKED WebChannel.JOINED & $signalingCheck
CONSTRUCTED CLOSED $connectToSignaling
IDLE CLOSED true $rejoin
IDLE CLOSED false $leave
IDLE OPEN WebChannel.JOINING & $signalingCheck
IDLE CHECKED $signalingCheck

Join method call

WebChannel onLine Visibility Result
LEFT true visible $join

Leave method call

WebChannel Result
!LEFT $leave

onLine() event (online/offline events, navigator.onLine)

WebChannel Visibility rejoinEnabled Result
LEFT visible true $leave.1 & $join

isVisible() event (Page Visibility API)

WebChannel onLine rejoinEnabled Result
LEFT true true $leave.1 & $join

$join -> consists of three steps:

  1. Initialize WebChannel properties (ids, members etc.), then
  2. Set WebChannel state to JOINING and finally
  3. Connect to Signaling server

$leave -> consists of two steps

  1. Clean WebChannel properties (ids, members, clean servicies) as if we were doing new WebChannel(), then
  2. Set WebChannel state to LEFT

$rejoin -> consists of executing the following algorithm:

  Execute $leave.1
    Execute $join.1
    Execute $join.2
      if (WebChannel.LEFT && visible && onLine && rejoinEnabled) then

$connectToSignaling -> the third step of the $join process

$signalingCheck -> check with Signaling if still connected with the rest of the group