Manual Reference Source Test


There are 4 builds (all ES5 code):

The package.json contains the following fields:

"main": "dist/netflux.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/esm/index.node.js",
"browser": "dist/esm/index.browser.js",

All builds are either for NodeJS or for Browser environment.

For browser environment exported members are:

For NodeJS environment exported members are the same as for browser plus:


dist/netflux.cjs.js - CommonJS format, built for NodeJS.

// NodeJS
const netflux = require('netflux')
var wg = new netflux.WebGroup()

ES module

esm/index.node.js and esm/index.browser.js are suitable for Webpack, Browserify or any alike, which also undersands package.json#module and package.json#module properties respectively and can parse ES modules.

esm/index.node.js is build for NodeJS: contains all exported API members and all necessary polyfills for NodeJS environment.

esm/index.browser.js is build for browsers.

export { WebGroup, WebGroupState, Bot, BotOptions } from 'netflux'
const wg = new WebGroup()


dist/netflux.umd.js - Universal Module Definition format is compatible with AMD, CommonJS and "global" modules. Built for browser and suitable for Webpack, Browserify and any other who also understands package.json#browser property.

<!-- Browser global usage example -->
<script src="netflux.es5.umd.js">
  window.netflux !== undefined // true
  var wg = new window.netflux.WebGroup()


For a WebGroup object all options are optional.

// Example:
const wg = new WebGroup({
  signalingServer: 'MY_SIGNALING_URL',
  rtcConfiguration: {
    iceServers: [
      { urls: '' },
        urls: ['', ''],
        username: 'user',
        password: 'password',

For Bot the server option is mandatory.

// Example:
const http = require('http')
const myServer = http.createServer()
const wg = new Bot({
  server: myServer,
  signalingServer: 'MY_SIGNALING_URL',
  webGroupOptions: {
    rtcConfiguration: {
      iceServers: [
        { urls: '' },
          urls: ['', ''],
          username: 'user',
          password: 'password',